SEPAC specializes in supplying high-quality, modifiable, and reliable clutches and brakes for a variety of industries, including but not limited to:
The following paragraphs aim to identify how SEPAC’s capabilities assist these industries with transitioning toward electrification.

Aerospace & Outer Space

Military & Defense

Oil & Gas



As of early 2020, there were about 170 electric aircraft projects in development worldwide, up 50% from just two years prior. Some key drivers pushing this movement toward electrification of the aerospace and outer space industries include:

  • The need to reduce emissions
  • The need to reduce noise pollution
  • The need to save launch costs
  • Ambition to increase speed while decreasing thrust, increasing carrying capacity, and reducing propellant needed
  • Increased accessibility to air travel to and from rural/remote destinations
  • Safety
  • Economic development in underserved areas
  • Growing regional travel markets
Furthermore, around half of all global flights are less than 500 miles and within the range of electric aircraft, which is expected to be commercially available by 2030. Hybrid-electric and electric aircraft are anticipated to operate at approximately 85% to 90% efficiency and be 20% to 40% more efficient than traditional piston and turbine aircraft.Electrification of private and commercial planes could have a significant and long-lasting impact on the decarbonization of the U.S. aerospace sector, which is currently responsible for 12% of global carbon emissions.
Another area of the industry undergoing electrification includes rocket launch systems. In 2017, Rocket Lab used electrical pump-feed rocket engines to deliver several satellites into orbit. SpaceX’s Starlink constellation is a current example of satellites that already use electric propulsion in space.Many probes, satellites, large spacecraft, and other space assets still rely on traditional chemical-based propulsion, resulting in diminished lifespans. The electrification of in-space mobility systems is recognized as a solution to this problem. Many electric propulsion systems have already proved to be reliable and efficient, which is key to extending the service life of billion-dollar space projects.

Compared to chemical propulsion systems, in-space electric propulsion can reduce the amount of required fuel by up to 90% while achieving speeds of up to 200,000 mph. Electric propulsion systems would also have more carrying capacity, decreased thrust, and save millions in launch costs.

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SEPAC’s Aerospace Expertise

SEPAC manufactures specialized brakes and clutches for equipment commonly used in the aerospace and outer space industries, including:

  • Commercial aircraft
  • Rocket launching systems
  • Helicopters
  • Satellites
  • Optionally piloted vehicles (OPVs)
  • Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)
  • Space docking systems
  • Outer space solar panels

Our experienced team understands how vital it is for aerospace components to function properly without interruption or unexpected failure. We pride ourselves on offering responsive communication, reliable service, and innovative solutions that meet complex performance specifications.

The aerospace industry requires precise and reliable motion control. SEPAC provides quality solutions for these common applications:

  • Autopilot control actuation
  • Cargo bay actuators
  • Flap actuators
  • Horizontal stabilizer trim actuation
  • Throttle control actuators
  • Thrust reverser actuation
  • Thrust vector control actuation
  • Winch systems
  • Latch, separation, and umbilical spacecraft systems

Driven by climate regulations, the United States military has begun transitioning its fossil fuel powered ground vehicle fleets to electric powered fleets. In addition to reducing carbon footprint, electrification offers many operational, tactical, and strategic advantages for the U.S. as well as other countries around the world. For example, Ukrainian military troops utilize quiet electric bicycles to sneak past Russian front lines in the Russo-Ukrainian War.
The key benefits of converting military vehicles to electric ones include:

  • Improved performance
  • Better power distribution
  • Enhanced mission capabilities
  • Simplified logistics
  • Elevated off-road handling with better torque at low speeds
  • Low thermal and sonic signatures for stealthier reconnaissance and movement
  • Vehicles are a power source for various onboard capabilities
  • Fewer moving parts, requiring less maintenance
  • Improved data collection and sustainment

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SEPAC’s Military & Defense Expertise

SEPAC designs and manufactures specialized brake and clutch solutions for the military and defense industry. We have the capabilities, experience, and necessary equipment to modify our standards while meeting even the most stringent military standards and customer specifications. Our high-quality components can be modified for a broad range of military applications, including but not limited to:

  • Helicopters
  • Fighter jets
  • Submarines
  • Armored vehicles
  • Tanks
  • UAVs
  • Missile systems
  • Remote weapon stations

Electrification in the oil and gas industry is vital to reducing emissions, environmental impact, topside footprint, and operating costs. Major industry players like British Petroleum (BP) are taking incremental steps toward electrifying their operations, such as producing natural gas with electricity, eliminating gas-fueled generators, tanks, and flares. Compared to fossil fuel, electricity is a cleaner, more reliable, more efficient, and more affordable method to distribute power throughout an oilfield.In the Permian Basin, BP grew the number of electrified wells from 4% to 75% in just three years. By the end of 2023, they expect to achieve 95% electrification. These efforts have allowed the company to remove at least 140,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere—or 30,000 cars from the road.

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SEPAC’s Oil & Gas Expertise

Experts in the oil and gas industry rely on the knowledge and expertise of SEPAC for high-quality electromagnetic clutch and brake solutions. The rigorous demands of high-pressure deep-sea installations, ROVs, offshore drilling platforms, and hydrofracking require durable components that can withstand extreme environments.

SEPAC’s electromagnetic clutches and brakes can help:

  • Meet strict performance parameters such as response time, backlash, and torque
  • Meet diverse application design criteria with wide-ranging product platforms

A robotic system relies heavily on mechanical and electronic components to provide control signals of how, when, and where to perform operations. Investing in quality electromagnetic clutch and brake products is essential to having the system perform as intended. If mechanical or electronic components malfunction, the result is unsafe for operators and bystanders alike.Robots have become increasingly important in the agricultural industry, as growers seek innovative solutions to climate change, labor shortages, population growth, and energy shortages. As the world population continues to grow—from 7.9 billion in 2022 to a predicted 10 billion in 2050—more food must be produced more efficiently. As agricultural workers leave for other industries, farmers, and scientists must find more sustainable ways to increase food productivity, and automation is the most effective and scalable way.

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SEPAC’s Robotics Expertise

SEPAC provides specialized brake and clutch solutions for robotics companies. We develop and design components that meet unique performance criteria and mechanical mounting configurations while ensuring safety and reliability.

Electrified Vehicles in Agriculture

Electrified agricultural vehicles and robots can help breeders and farmers:

  • Increase worker safety
  • Increase yields
  • Improve soil health
  • Replace heavy equipment with lighter autonomous or remote machinery
  • Reduce topsoil compression issues
  • Develop precision agriculture strategies
  • Improve working conditions
  • Increase crop profitability
  • Limit environmental impact

Subsea Robotics & Electrification

Conventional underwater robotics use hydraulic components designed to handle harsh, high-pressure subsea environments. However, many robotics companies are shifting to electric clutches, valves, and other components because of their improved reliability and environmental safety. SEPAC brakes are used in various undersea robots, including those from Nauticus Robotics, whose all-electric robots are making underwater pipeline repairs and maintenance safer and more efficient.

Around the world, people depend on hospitals to provide around-the-clock critical care without interruption. Given their large need for energy to complete tasks like sterilization, lighting, cooling, and ventilation, hospitals contribute 4.4% of global emissions every year. By transitioning from fossil fuels to electricity, hospitals can save on energy costs, improve patient care, and contribute to a more sustainable future.Electrification involves updating existing systems to reduce energy demand, as well as maximizing on-site energy generation. Harnessing zero-carbon electricity such as geothermal, wind, solar, and hydropower in hospitals can significantly reduce carbon emissions, reduce pollution-related illnesses, and modernize the healthcare industry.

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SEPAC’s Medical Expertise

Precision performance for various types of medical equipment is essential as medical technology evolves. SEPAC’s medical clutches and brakes meet stringent industry standards and are clean, quiet, and reliable, designed to provide continuous control and ease of operation.

Our specific applications and capabilities include:

  • Surgical robot motion control
  • Precision operation of medical imaging equipment
  • Medical handling equipment
  • Operating instrument-holding devices
  • Adjusting patient beds


SEPAC offers custom manufactured brakes and clutches for the aerospace, military and defense, oil and gas, robotics, and medical industries. Contact us to learn more about our custom capabilities for your industry. Request a quote to start your project.